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Unlawful Eviction for Personal Use (N12 Notice) of Landlord

Unlawful Eviction Personal Use N12 Notice Landlord Toronto

As a tenant, you have the right to live in your rental unit without fear of unlawful eviction. Unfortunately, some landlords may try to evict tenants without following the proper legal process, which is not only illegal, but also unfair and unethical. Oracle Legal Services, a trusted Paralegal Firm in Toronto, stands prepared to assist you in such matters. Explore further insights on this topic in this guideline. Compensation Entitlements If a landlord evicts a tenant for personal use and then the tenant finds out after moving out that the eviction was unlawful, the tenant may be entitled to one-year rent arrears of what...

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Reprisal in Employment Law in Ontario Law

Reprisal In Employment Law In Ontario Law Toronto

As an employer, it's important to be aware of the laws that govern your actions toward employees. One such law is the Ontario Human Rights Code (OHRC), which prohibits reprisals against employees who have exercised their rights under the code. Oracle Legal Services is a Paralegal Firm in Toronto, and our team is here today to give you more information on this topic.  Reprisal is defined as any action taken by an employer or supervisor that penalizes an employee for exercising their rights under the OHRC. This can include termination, demotion, suspension, or any other form of punishment.  The OHRC protects employees from reprisal when...

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Employment Law Probationary Period

Employment Law Probationary Period

A probationary period is a common practice in many workplaces where an employee's performance and suitability for the role are assessed during a designated time frame. This period typically lasts anywhere from 30 to 90 days, depending on the employer's policy. Our team from Oracle Legal Services specializes in Employment Law in Toronto and we are here today to give you some further insight into what a probation period looks like. Employee & Employer Expectations During this time, both the employee and the employer have certain expectations that need to be met. The employer may use this time to evaluate an employee's work ethic, skills, and...

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Changes to the Residential Tenancies Act That Every Tenant Should Know

Residential Tenancies Act Changes

You might have heard about it as the "Eviction Bill" of 2020 when it reached Royal Assent at the height of the pandemic. Eventually, the masses have dubbed this Bill as pro-landlord as its defined amendments will affect tenants specifically. Now that it is being mandated and decreed in Ontario, how will these new changes to the law affect tenants and landlords alike? Our paralegal firm here at Oracle Legal Services would like to answer this question and more. Here's the rundown on the 5 changes in the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006 that you should know about: 1. Repayment Agreement Outside of...

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Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) vs. Small Claims Court (SCC): When Do Landlord/Tenant Disputes Go to Small Claims Court?

When Landlord Tenant Disputes Go Small Claims Court

When people hear about the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB), the following words usually follow – eviction, maintenance, rent reduction, termination of tenancy, etc. All of which involves some form of dispute with the help of a paralegal. When it comes down to it, however, the main issue is always related to money. To give an idea on how many cases the LTB handles per year, just in 2019-2020 alone the tribunal has received 80,874 cases, and 72,064 of which have been resolved at the end of 2020.  In this statistic alone, half of these applications are rent-related tribulations. To be exact,...

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The Limitation Period: What Does It Mean and Why Should You File ASAP?

The Limitation Period Meaning File Asap

When you are dealing with a small claims court case or others like it, it is important you know everything you can about the limitation period. Investigative and true crime documentaries have had a prevalent presence in viewers’ ratings nowadays, and if you are into one you might have heard the term limitation period multiple times — usually when it already lapsed or during the most crucial time in the case when time is of the essence. The Limitation Period literally is “time of the essence”. Many rules and governing procedures are in place in commencing lawsuits in Ontario, but one of...

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Go Prison For Theft Under 5000 Shoplifting

The Christmas rush is approaching, and a lot of Canadians are going to be planning shopping expeditions to check off their gift list for their family and friends. With COVID measures starting to ease up, malls, retailers and shopping centers are starting to welcome shoppers again and with it come throngs of accidental or unintentional theft charges. We have all been there; shops usually have so many good deals and discounts over the holidays that leads shoppers to binge shop more. But as people delve into their shopping sprees and retail therapy sessions, some items are left forgotten in pockets or...

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Severance Pay and Employment Insurance (Ei): Can I Get Both after Losing My Job?

Severance Pay And Employment Insurance

The first question before asking if you qualify for both is how were you terminated by your employer. Is it termination with cause due to willful misconduct, or is it dismissal without cause due to company restructuring, cost cutting, lack of work, or poor work performance? Employment law and matters involving severance pay can be a tricky field to maneuver, but we here at Oracle Legal Services want to help. WITHOUT CAUSE It is important to note the kind of termination because it also answers the next question. Can I obtain Employment Insurance (EI) benefits and severance pay if I’m being let...

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Employment Contract Effectivity

Most people think that an employment contract only starts on the first day of work. Of course, why shouldn’t it be? You technically start training, performing tasks, and doing all that your job entails on your first day at the job right? Did you know, however, that this is actually not the case at all? When a job is offered by your employer, and you accept that offer you are theoretically privy to an employment contract. This holds true whether it was presented through writing or through word of mouth. Employment laws in Canada states that “Absent an express contractual provision to...

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Severance Pay Esa Minimum Standards Vs Common Law

During the pandemic, a large number of people have lost their jobs due to economic regression and business closure. Hitting close to home, according to the Financial Accountability Officer (FAO) of Ontario, 355,000 jobs were lost in 2020 alone due to the pandemic. With the recent trend on unemployment, it is now more essential than ever for everyone to know what their rights are and further ask these questions about employment law, such as: What is the minimum severance if we were to be dismissed? And...

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